Thursday, October 19, 2017

Day 1 of R&R (respond instead of react)

I am sick of my child thinking I am a monster and my husband acting like I am trash. They all think I CONSTANTLY react instead of respond to EVERYTHING... Do I do it more than I should? YES! But they act like its this huge extreme and I'm some where in the middle. I feel like no matter what I do, if I react one single time they will act like I haven't changed in the slightest bit... and I don't know how to stop that from happening so I react more and more because it gets me so mad that they would think that of me so it is just this never ending cycle. Jeff said that it isn't normal and should never happen and I said it happens, that it even happens to him and he went "ya but its rare that it happens" .... so it should never happen buttttt he is allowed to have moments? it makes no sense! and that just really really annoys the crap out of me...

But being annoyed just makes me want to go back to the cycle and I DO need to work on it... I know that every day I have less and less patience.

Goals for this week

Be more patient.. I know I will have moments but I hope I can at least overall be better

Spend time WITH Adalynn.... so many times we do together time with electronics or on my terms... I want to spend time with her doing what she wants to do JUST NOT MINECRAFT!!! I can't.. I love her but no!!!

Bring back family lego project!!! Once a week we take an hour or so and hand out in Addie's room and make lego's with her!


2 at home date nights with Jeff... 1 of them catered to something I want to do, 1 of them catered to something Jeff would want to do

Family baking, at least 1 weekend this month I want to pick a recipe and hang out in the kitchen with all 3 of us making it together!!!

continue working on us as a family

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