Sunday, September 18, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Holy crap my eye hurts.. pain pill and bed is exactly what i'm doing right now!!! Tomorrow is a busy busy day for me!
Friday, September 9, 2011
[just shoot me now!]
Thursday, September 8, 2011
[crap update]
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
[i have a VERY awake child at the moment]
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
[i love my giant fish!!!!]
Monday, September 5, 2011
[catch a grenade for love]
Sunday, September 4, 2011
[SERIOUSLY! it's a picture of ME!]

So today went okay.. my eye is KILLING me but i try not to complain about it that much because I feel like I'm a broken record!!!
Saturday, September 3, 2011

This kid makes my heart sing!!! I got my new headbands in the mail today =) The one she is wearing is black/hot pink and I also got a brown/white with a jewel on one (that i am currently sporting!) and a black/red one that look AMAZING!!!! And I got all 3 for 18 dollars shipped!!! Not too shabby =) I also got my replacement Zoya in Trixie in the mail today so in a few minutes I'm going to be rocking out to silver nail polish! =) I can't wait!!!
On a bad note though today we were suppose to go on a river boat cruise but unfortanently due to my eye issues we had to cancel so we gave our tickets to good friends of ours and I hope they enjoy an amazing evening out!!! While they were enjoying our places on the boat I was at hoping chopping up an onion for our stir fry dinner (that was delicious, thank you Jeff!!!) and it irritated my eye so badly in all of 30 seconds that I almost ended up hospitalized.. talk about RIDICULOUS amounts of drama over my stupid stupid eye! If you learn ANYTHING from this blog its that eyes are the worst thing known to man! okay.. i might be just a teensy bit dramatic with that statement but if i'm going to live my own personal soap opera i better make it worth the ratings =P
So we did some running around today and ended up at the grocery store buying things for monday's BBQ extravagansa!!!! .. Ribs! slow cooked all day on the grill!!! YUM! nothing better in the world then that!!! .. we also had to pick up some things that we had run out of to make our homemade bbq sauce.. yes we are HARDCORE BBQ'ers! anddddd yay red wine vinegar was on sale for 2 for 4 dollars instead of 3.59 a bottle! MEGA score! .. and then we got 4 cases of Dr. Pepper for 9 dollars instead of 2 for 9 which is the regular! another SCORE! We drink about 1 soda a day... scratch that I'd be lying if i said that.. NORMALLY I drink 1 soda a day but with my eye and me feeling like crap and needing sugary pick me ups because I have ABSOLUTELY ZERO appetite I drink more like 2 a day! which still is SO much better then the soda 24/7 that i WAS drinking a year ago! I tried going completely without and when I'm feeling good I frequently go 3 or 4 days without drinking one but I have to have them around for occasional special treats! and since i'm not a chocolate/sweet type person i think its a fair trade off as a "snack" as long as i treat it as a rare special treat!!!
So that gets me to the magical question.. did i or did i not stick with my workout day 2? YES I DID!!!! I was on the bike for 19:29 LONG minutes!!! at like :23 seconds I was DONE! but i kept going and BOY did i SWEAT! But I went for 2.791 miles! The WHOLE time I was just staring down the clock sweating my behind off and just prayer for Jeff to say those magic words "Wash your belly.. rub the soap on your belly" OH THANK YOU!!! then "close your eyes" I could have fainted in delight!!! I don't know if its the pain pill i took right before working out (due to the onion fiasco) or what but today i did sooooo much less but it was soooo more of a work out! sweat sweat sweat and a dying girl! ... but now that it's done and over with I feel a heck of a lot better =)
Day 2 SUCCESS!!!
Day 3 ???? Someone may need to help me get out of bed LOL!!!
Friday, September 2, 2011
[birthdays are always fun!]