Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Well it is safe to say that its been a hot minute since I've blogged and that is about to change because I need to get all my words down so that in a year or two I can look back and see how far I have come!!!

So in case you didn't know I am currently living in Germany with the husband and child! It has been a weird adventure to say the least!!!

I am working on my weight... super slowly! My thyroid has FINALLY started leveling out and I've lost about 20lbs since I've been here! (I've lost about 45 but regained it all when my thyroid crapped out and have since relost 20lbs!) I am now in the process of getting bariatric surgery but I am keeping it super hush hush because I don't want a million people judging me and thinking I took "the easy way out" because that is sooooo not the case! I am currently on too high of a dose of synthroid because my body just isn't processing it and with this surgery I will be absorbing more and I should be down to non liver threatening levels in the very near future! I go in for a doctor's appointment on the 8th for them to interview me and to then get my referral for surgery! So as soon as this last hoop has been jumped thru it is a smooth sailing for me!

I have also started working out with a friend in the mornings in the park doing workout videos on my laptop! We were rocking some sexy dancing earlier today!!! We just started today and I am super pumped about having a workout partner! I told her earlier that if it had been me doing it by myself I would have stopped a few minutes in but having someone working out with me gave me so much umpft to finish it out even if we looked super awkward!

I got a fitbit for my birthday and it has really been an eye opener seeing just how many steps I take and how well I am sleeping! On the weekdays I normally hit around 10,000 but on the weekends when I am being lazy I don't even hit 5,000 which just plain sucks! So I am going to work on that this weekend! Today, as of right now, I am at 11,613 steps! Woohoo!!! .....except my house is a mess!!! I have 2 days to whip this place into shape before Jeff comes home and messes it back up! Not that it will take 2 days whatsoever, I just have like a sink full or two of dishes and laundry. I know I am rambling a wee bit!!!

Well that is the beginning of what I've been up to! I will be updating in the near future =)

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